Monday, April 13, 2009

One month and counting...

I thought I would share a few words about why I want to be a part of this trip.

For me, I feel a burden for Africa. A couple of years ago I spent some time in Kenya. Something about that trip changed me and for some reason, it’s impossible for me not to “do something” about it. It’s one thing when you see those commercials asking you to sponsor children in poverty, but it’s totally different when the faces are looking you in the eye and you can't switch the channel.

South Africa is much different than Kenya, but their needs are just as important. With a high unemployment rate (as in 35%) Aids and high crime a part of many people’s daily lives and the lingering affects of apartheid, we are hoping that God will use our team to help bring healing and encouragement to the people there; to bring heaven to Africa instead of the suffering that has been brought there for so many years.

So what good is a short term trip? What will we REALLY accomplish in that amount of time? We don’t know yet, but the fact is, you have to start somewhere. You have to start by showing up. By saying without words, I’m willing to travel half way around the world to swing a hammer and show you that I care.

South Africa doesn’t need our money, they need hope and that’s why we are going. And the people who need to see that the most are the children. I’ve come to believe that the only way to save Africa from the suffering that has taken place for so long is to rise up a generation of honest and compassionate leaders and get them into government positions where they can change their OWN countries.

So we will spend a little over a week helping Stellenberg create “irresistible environments” for both children and adults. So Stellenberg can invite the people of Cape Town into a life of hope. And I pray that they create a ripple effect into their own communities and eventually their own country.

I read somewhere that a true reformation will take 50 years, most of us on this trip may not see real “change” come to Africa in our lifetimes. But I can’t spend my life here on this earth knowing that I didn’t at least try to do something about it.